03 April, 2023
TheCenter for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University is reorganized and expanded into the Marine Core Research Institute (MaCRI) in FY2023.
Details here
12 February, 2021
☆International Workshop☆
We will hold an online international workshop on "Metamorphic rocks and ore deposits: examples in Shikoku (Japan) and across the globe” in KCC, on February 19, 2021. Online registration is mandatory via the link below (Deadline: February 14, 2021).
Click here for Registration
Click for the Program
Kochi Core Center is a research facility jointly managed with common goals by the Kochi University and Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC).
Marine Core Research Institute, Kochi University and Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research are conducting a variety of analyses and research activities.
We have an optimal environment for analyses and research, including the latest instruments for analyses and large refrigerators and freezers for storage of core samples.
We are also engaged in a variety of educational and outreach activities to let you know the results of our leading-edge research and development.
With the regular staff performing IODP curation services, the Center is functioning as one of the three IODP core sample storage facilities in the world.
Core samples can be requested for your own research by applying to the IODP that manages the curation and the right of use of each sample.
Kochi Core Center
200 Monobe Otsu, Nankoku, Kochi, 783-8502
(on Monobe campus of Kochi University)