Core #1D [ W ]
Core #2D [ W ]
Core #3D [ W ]
Core #4D [ W ]
Core #5D [ W ]
Core #6D [ W ]
Core #7D [ W ]
Core #8D [ W ]
Core #9D [ W ]
Core #10D [ W ]
Core #11D [ W ]
Core #12R [ W ]
Core #13R [ W ]
Core #14R [ W ]
Core #15R [ W ]
Core #16R [ W ]
Core #17R [ W ]
Core #18R [ W ]
Core #19R [ W ]
Core #20R [ W ]
You may check here availability of material in the IODP core sections being curated in the KCC.
An image of a core section is generated soon after its sampling, and uploaded in this database. Therefore, this database is always in development, and many core sections have not been imaged yet for lack of sampling. A few core sections can be imaged on demand: please contact
If Working half [W] is considerably depleted, samples may be requested from the Archive half [A].
Please refer to the details in the IODP sample, Data, and Obligations Policy (