Version 1.0

The Vertual Core Viewer produces quick search and drawing 3D digital image of xCT DICOM file. User can control several functions on the interface to rotate, cut, change color and choose CT values.


Two interfaces, web interface and android application, can render 3D image of a core sample everywhere via internet.

3D core image


The Vertual Core Viewer has been jointly developed by Institute of Kochi Core Institute, JAMSTEC, and University of Tsukuba.


Copyright 2012

All rights of resources, system and interfaces of the Vertual Core Viewer are reserved by JAMSTEC / University of Tsukuba.

JAMSTEC_ Univ.of Tsukuba

Click logo to jump each institute.

Virtual Core Viewer

Epoch-making DICOM viewer !

Quick interface to reconstruct 3D image from x-ray CT data of deep-sea cores !

User can make 3D image of the core sample everywhere through internet.

Adjustment CT value, rotation, close-up and cutting functions are available.

Data of 3D image constructed is returned to you from VCV server.

Request original DICOM files for scientific research, if you needed.

Access and install android application to your tablet-PC, it’s cool.

CT viewer

Web interface - for PC and iPAD -

Click image shown right window, jump to Web interface.

Quick guide:

1.Select all informations of core sample. [Expedition, Site, Hole...]

2.Push [view] button.

3.Adjust functions, then push [Update] button.


Windows XP, Vista, 7
Macintosh OS X 10.4~


IE 8.0~, FireFox 3.7~, Safari 5.0~

Web interface

Android application - for Android tablet -

Click image shown right window, jump to google play to download VCV-application on your tablet.

Quick guide:

1.Save an application on your tablet, then install it.

2.Select all informations of core sample. [Expedition, Site, Hole...]

3.Select [resolution] of 3D image. Low resolution image responds faster than high resolution.

3.Adjust functions, then push [Apply] or [Redo] button.


Android 3.0 ~

Tablet: (recommended)

Google, Nexus7

google apli.

google apli.


It is FREE !!