DeepBIOS_core drilling
DeepBIOS_core cutting
Deep BIOsphere Samples (DeepBIOS) are the geological material collected from subseafloor environment. The DeepBIOS are stored at very low temperatures (-80℃ and -160℃) right from the time of their collection onboard a scientific drill ship. Collection of the DeepBIOS began since the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) expedition in 2009, and they are being stored in the Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMSTEC, Japan.
After the discovery of life and biosphere in subseafloor environment, studies on biomass, microbial activity and ecological roles of subseafloor life in biogeochemical cycles have become very important scientific objectives in the IODP. In addition to this, molecular biological techniques such as more sensitive approaches using DNA are continuing to develop. In order to store valuable drilled material for future analyses and also for a worldwide utilization, IODP committees recommended preservation of sub-samples of drilled material in frozen condition. This is considered to be a method of preventing the degradation of fragile bio-molecules such as DNA, RNA, enzymes, sugar chains, and intact polar lipids. We started careful sub-sampling of drilled material onboard and onshore to prevent possible contamination and any change in quality of the samples (DeepBIOS). Furthermore, qualities of the DeepBIOS are also being evaluated based on fluorescent bead contamination test and cell-count experiment.
Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research is equipped with deep freezers (-80℃) and liquid nitrogen-cooled tanks (-160℃) for long-term storage of the DeepBIOS. An aseptic band saw system is utilized for taking aliquots from the DeepBIOS. We believe that the DeepBIOS can be well preserved using these methods and devices. We hope for the future contribution and worldwide utilization of the DeepBIOS in geobiological research and also in multiple realms of scientific ocean drilling.
Procedure for Curation of DeepBIOS (PDF 9.5MB)
We have officially revised the name of RMS (Routine Microbiological Samples) to DeepBIOS (Deep Biosphere Samples) since 2012.
"RMS" is still being used in the procedure.
Inquiry about DeepBIOS:
Diversity of actinomycetes isolated from subseafloor sediments after prolonged low-temperature storage.
Folia Microbiol (Praha). 2015 May;60(3):211-6. doi: 10.1007/s12223-014-0361-z. Epub 2014 Nov 9.
Ulanova D, Goo KS.
Contamination tracer testing with seabed drills: IODP Expedition 357.
Sci. Dril., 23, 39-46, 2017
Orcutt, B. N., Bergenthal, M., Freudenthal, T., Smith, D., Lilley, M. D., Schnieders, L., Green, S., and Früh-Green, G. L.
Bio-Archive Core Storage and Subsampling Procedure for Subseafloor Molecular Biological Research.
DOI: 10.2204/
Masui, N., Morono, Y., Inagaki, F.