For the students and young researchers, lectures on IODP Sample, Data and Obligation Policy, sample/data request submission process and core sample handling (curation) are given in the Core School organized by the J-DESC at the Kochi Core Center (KCC) in spring every year. Through this school, we aim to promote scientific research based on the IODP/ODP/DSDP samples, and to enhance visibility of the IODP among the young generation of future scientists.
Recent activities
- Information about the core sample and policy was provided through the KCC booth set up at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco, USA during Dec. 9 – 13, 2013.
- KCC booth was set up at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of Japan in Sendai, Japan during Sep. 14 – 16, 2013.
- At the Open campus event (Sep. 03, 2013) of the Kochi University, core sample related exhibits were set up and explained to the general public.
- Crew of the French TV 5 Monde (Apr. 17, 2013), Fuji TV (May 14, 2013), and NHK TV (June 3, 2013) visited the KCC for making documentaries on core science related programs.
- KCC booth was set up at the annual Japan Geophysical Union meeting in Chiba, Japan during May 19 – 24, 2013.
- KCC curation activities were presented through a giant poster at the Chikyu + 10 meeting, Tokyo during Apr. 21 – 23, 2013.
- Curatorial staff presented posters about cores and DeepBIOS (a.k.a. RMS or DeBIOS) at the Blue Earth Symposium, Tokyo during Mar. 14 – 15, 2013.
- Curatorial staff gave lectures and demonstrated various techniques used in IODP expeditions to the graduate, post-graduate students and young researchers who attended the J-DESC organized core school at the KCC during Mar. 2 – 5, 2013.
- J-Wave radio staff visited the KCC on Mar. 1, 2013 for making a documentary on core science for the Chikyu TV – web-based outreach activity of the CDEX.
- Asahi Shimbun staff visited the KCC on Feb. 1, 2013 for writing an article on IODP cores and KCC.
- IODP cores were advertised by giving an oral presentation at the 3rd Western Pacific Paleoceanography Meeting at the NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan during Jan. 21 – 24, 2013.
We contributed in the field work organized as a part of the Sedimentological Society of Japan meeting.
A scene from the Core Analysis School 2007 held at the KCC.