Kochi Core Center (KCC) houses one of the 3 IODP core repositories in the world [other 2 repositories are the BCR (Bremen Core Repository of the University of Bremen, Germany) and the GCR (Gulf Coast Repository of the Texas A&M University, USA]. At the KCC, the IODP cores and those collected during the ODP and DSDP era (legacy cores) are stored in huge reefers at about 4℃. There is a large freezer to store some samples at -20℃ and a special facility to store some samples at -80℃ and -160℃ for preserving organic molecules. Besides these, there are air-conditioned reefer containers, which are used for storage of salt cores, core catcher samples and core sample residues at room temperature and low humidity condition.
The current configuration of core racks in the KCC reefers provides sufficient space for storage of core material with gross length of about 250 km.
Core Sample