12 February, 2021
☆International Workshop☆
We will hold an online international workshop on "Metamorphic rocks and ore deposits: examples in Shikoku (Japan) and across the globe” in KCC, on February 19, 2021. Online registration is mandatory via the link below (Deadline: February 14, 2021).
Click here for Registration
Click for the Program
04 December, 2020
☆Press Release☆
Results from the Muroto Offshore Drilling (IODP Expedition 370) have been published in Science.
"Temperature limits to deep subseafloor life in the Nankai Trough subduction zone. How hot is too hot for life deep below the ocean floor?"
10 March, 2020
☆KCC seminar☆
Lecturer: Yuji Sano (Professor, The University of Tokyo, Guest Professor of Kochi University)
2 March, 2020
☆KCC seminar☆
Lecturer: Shoichi Kiyokawa (Associate Professor, Kyushu Univeristy, Guest Professor of Kochi University)
26 February, 2020
☆KCC seminar☆
Lecturer 1: Paolina Garbeva (Netherlands Institute of Ecology)
Lecturer 2: Ruth Schmidt (INRS - Institut Armand Frappier and Plotly, Canada)
17 December, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Jyh-Jaan Steven Huang (Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck)
30 November, 2019
☆KCC science festa 2019☆
Lecturer 1: Naotaka Tomioka (JAMSTEC)
Lecturer 2: Hidekazu Tokuyama (Kochi University)
Details here (only in Japanese).
17 November, 2019
☆Outstanding Presentation Award☆
Takeshi Izumi (Kochi Univ.) was awarded for his presentation below at the Annual Meeting of Paleosciences Society.
Izumi, T., Ijiri, A., and Ikehara, M. "Increased precision of centric diatom oxygen isotope"
Details here (only in Japanese).
13 November, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Catherine CONSTABLE (Distinguished Professor of Geophysics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University California, San Diego)
8 November, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Takeshi Nakatani (JAMSTEC)
3 November, 2019
☆Kochi University's open day for citizens☆
KCC members also carried out the event for citizens.
3 October, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Ainhoa Lorenzo (UNAM)
19 September, 2019
☆Press Releases☆
Integrated Neogene biochemostratigraphy at DSDP Site 296 on the Kyushu?Palau Ridge in the western North Pacific
View details about this news, here Kochi University site (only in Japanese).
26 August, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Yuji Inagaki (Professor, Tsukuba University)
7 August, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Mika Tei (Young Research Fellow, JAMSTEC)
13 July, 2019
☆Exhibition and Science cafe 2019☆
Exhibition: 13 July - 23 September
Place: Kochi Mirai Science Center (5F, OTEPIA)
Science cafe: 16:30-18:00, 14 September (advance reservation only)
Place: Science square (in Kochi Mirai Science Center)
Details here (only in Japanese).
3 July, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Miho Sasaoka (Kochi University)
3 July, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Lecturer 1: Benoit Ildefose (Professor, Universite de Montpellier, France)
Lecturer 2: Keishi Okazaki (Scientist, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMSTEC)
19 June, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Lecturer 1: Yuji Kato (JSPS-PD, Kochi University)
Lecturer 2: Moe Yano (Graduate Student, Tokyo University)
14 June, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Lecturer 1: Clive R. Neal (Professor, Univ. Notre Dame, USA)
Lecturer 2: Kenji Shimizu (Research Scientist, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMTEC)
11 June, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Lecturer 1: Shunichi Ishii (Scientist, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMTEC)
Lecturer 2: Hiroyuki Kashima (JAMSTEC Young Research Fellow)
Lecturer 3: Masahiro Yamamoto (Scientist, JAMSTEC)
Lecturer 4: Satoshi Wakai (Scientist, JAMSTEC)
20 May, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Lecturer 1: Minoru Ikehara (Professor, Kochi University)
Lecturer 2: Takuya Itaki (Senior Scientist, AIST)
20 May, 2019
☆Workshop for Hakuho cruise☆
Lecturer 1: Akira Ijiri (Senior Scientist, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMTEC ), Takeshi Izumi (Graduate student, Kochi University)
Lecturer 2: Hiroki Matsui (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Kochi University)
16 April, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Michael Stipp (Professor, Halle University)
26 March, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Kokichi Iizasa (Specially Appointed Professors,, Tokyo University)
14-20 March, 2019
☆J-DES core school 2019☆
Details here (only in Japanese).
12 March, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Yuji Sano (Professor, Tokyo University)
7-8 March, 2019
☆Meeting of results and outcomes in KCC, 30th year of the Heisei period☆
Poster file of this event can be downloaded here (only in Japenese).
26 February, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Takashi Toyofuku, Yukiko Nagai (JAMSTEC)
6 February, 2019
☆Press Releases☆
Discovery of abundant ferromanganese microparticles in oxic pelagic sediments: New insights into the global budget of metallic elements
View details about this news, click Jamstec site.
29 January, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Florian Schubert (PhD student, Universitat Potsdam)
16 January, 2019
☆KCC seminar☆
Yoko Furukawa (Science Director at the US Office of Naval Research Global)
20 December, 2018
☆KCC seminar☆
Yoshihiro MASUDA (Professor, Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering,The University of Tokyo. Guest Professor of Kochi University)
28 March, 2017
Expeditions 361 (Southern African Climates and Agulhas Current Density Profile) cores received
27 January, 2017
Expeditions 359 (Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level) cores received
17 November, 2016
Expeditions 365 (NanTroSEIZE Shallow Megasplay Long-Term Borehole
Monitoring System) and 370 (Temperature Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto)
cores received
2 November, 2016
Expeditions 362 (Sumatra Seismogenic Zone) and 362T (Transit/Hole U1473
Remediation) cores received
16 October, 2013
Expedition 346 (Asia Monsoon) cores received
17 September, 2013
Interruption in IODP Core Sampling & Observation
9 June, 2011
First shipping of core samples for geomicrobiological research (RMS) to requester
1 June, 2011
Exhibit at JpGU meeting 2011
28 April, 2011
Deep frozen core samples for geomicrobiological research
25 February, 2011
Draft of New Science Plan available for comments
24 December, 2010
A summary to help researchers in selecting core samples
17 August, 2010
Japan Geopark Committee members visited KCC.
23-28 May, 2010
KCC activities advertized during the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010 in Makuhari, Chiba.
22 April, 2010
Record Number of Samples Taken from IODP Expedition 323 Cores at the KCC.
30 November - 09 December, 2009
IODP Expedition 323 ( Bering Sea ) sampling party was held at KCC.
14 October, 2009
Curation of Routine Microbiological Samples ( RMS) begins at KCC.
2 October, 2009
Professor Robin J Batterham, president and director of the ATSE, visited KCC.
8 September , 2009
5,700m long core received from the IODP Expedition 323 ( Bering Sea)
13 July , 2009
Students and instructors from Kochi Enokuchi School for children with health impairments visited KCC.
16-17 June, 2009
Pre-Cruise Training for Expedition 324 was held at KCC.
16-21 May, 2009
We took part in the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2009.
27-28 April, 2009
Pre-Cruise Training for Expedition 319 & 322 was held at KCC.
3 March, 2009 (Tue)
Annual IODP Curatorial Meeting held at KCC
6 February, 2009 (Fri)
IODP Curatorial Meeting 2009
17 November, 2008 (Mon)
JAMSTEC core samples are now available to community for research and educational purposes
7 November, 2008 (Fri)
Legacy Core Redistribution Project Completed in Kochi, Japan
8 October, 2008 (Wed)
NSF director, Dr. Arden L. Bement, Jr. visited the Kochi Core Center
25-30 May, 2008
We took part in the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008
7 September, 2007 (Fri)
The beginning of curation of the Legacy marine core samples at the Kochi Core Center
11 July, 2007 (Wed)
Ready for the IODP and legacy core curation